Can My SUI Cause Bedwetting?

Bedwetting. It’s something we probably don’t think about often unless we’re in the midst of potty training. But in reality, it’s more commonly a grown-up problem than you may think. Nocturnal Erunesis the scientific term for wetting the bed, impacts around one in every 100 people in their adult life, according to the Bladder and Bowel Community. There can be several risk factors in developing this dysfunction, including other urinary problems like Stress Urinary Incontinence, one of the most common incontinence problems that women face.

What is SUI?

What is SUI Stress Urinary Incontinence, or SUI, is a urinary dysfunction that leads to involuntary leaks during light activity or slight pressure on the abdomen, bladder, or urinary tract. These impacts or activities vary from as light as a laugh or sneeze, to more involved activities like running or jumping. While both women and men can develop stress incontinence, of the 25 million Americans who reported experiencing some form of urinary incontinence, 75-80% are women. This is because SUI ties back to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding tissue and nerves. Women are more likely to experience this damage or weakening from giving birth, previous surgeries, or aging. Other risk factors include:
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Repeated high-impact activities (running, jumping, dancing, etc.)
Experiencing stress incontinence could increase your risk of developing other problems such as urinary tract infections or skin irritation when dealing with leaks. Another problem that women suffering from SUI may face is wetting the bed at night.

What is Nocturnal Enuresis?

What is Nocturnal Enuresis Nocturnal Enuresis, or bedwetting as mentioned before, is actually fairly common among adults. There are two different kinds of this problem: Persistent Primary Nocturnal Enuresis (PNS) and Adult-Onset Secondary Enuresis or secondary enuresis (SE). PNS starts in childhood and impacts around 2 – 3% of adults over 18 years of age. Adult-onset Secondary Enuresis, on the other hand, is when adults have been able to successfully stay dry through the night for many years but suddenly experience bedwetting episodes. There can be several reasons for bedwetting in adulthood according to the National Association for Continence, though more research continues to be done. Genetics - There is research that shows that bedwetting can be inherited from parents to children. Half of all children who have this problem had a parent who also struggled with bedwetting. This percent increases to 75% if both parents had enuresis. Smaller Bladder Capacity - Some people struggle with their bladder only being able to hold a small volume of urine. This is mainly seen in those who have PNS. UTI - Urinary Tract Infections may cause bedwetting in some individuals. Hormone Imbalance - the hormone that signals the kidneys to decrease the amount of urine produced as we sleep, antidiuretic hormone or ADH, may either have trouble decreasing or the kidneys may not respond. OAB - Overactive Bladder is a sudden, uncontrolled need or urge to urinate. The muscles are either too active and contract to release regardless of fullness, or in the sense that there is a miscommunication between the brain and the bladder and leaks occur. In fact, an overactive bladder muscle has been found in up to 70-80% of adult bedwetting patients. Certain Medications - Certain prescription medications may have side-effects that impact your urinary health. There have been reports that certain insomnia medications like Thioridazine, Clozapine, and Risperidone can have bedwetting as a side-effect. Diet - Caffeine and alcohol may also impact urinary health while you sleep as they are both considered bladder irritants. Stress & Anxiety - Both adults and children experiencing stress, fear, and anxiety may develop a bedwetting problem. Other Urinary Problems - Especially in secondary enuresis, there is an underlying health issue that may manifest as other urinary problems throughout the day. Women that have suffered from Pelvic Organ Prolapse may experience bedwetting and other urinary problems like SUI or UI. Certain Medications While bedwetting is an embarrassing topic, it could be connected to a deeper health problem. If it happens persistently, contact your doctor to make a plan that works best for what you’re experiencing. Regardless of the cause, bedwetting should not regularly occur in adults and should be addressed as soon as possible.


At Rinovum, women’s health is the top priority. That’s why Revive, a new bladder support device, was designed and clinically tested to reduce leaks in women that are suffering from Stress Urinary Incontinence. Inserted like a tampon, Revive is a comfortable one-size product that comfortably supports you for 12 hours a day. FDA approved for over-the-counter use, Revive is available at major retailers like Rite-Aid and Wal-Mart nationwide. Sign up for our newsletter and get a discount code to save 20% off your order!